General, Health, P&C Insurance Actuarial Support

Actuarial services to NON-LIFE insurance companIES

We provide a comprehensive range of services in the field of General Insurance, Health Insurance and property & casualty insurance.

Our expertise includes claims reserving, risk analysis, and regulatory reporting. We are well-equipped to handle all aspects of insurance reserving, including the calculation of incurred but not reported (IBNR) claims.

Additionally, we offer financial condition reports, stress testing, and solvency reporting to ensure our clients' compliance with regulatory requirements.

Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to assisting insurance companies in optimizing their operations and maintaining a strong financial standing. With our services, clients can confidently navigate the complexities of the insurance industry and make informed decisions to protect their assets.

Technical Peer review in General Insurance (Actuarial)

A technical peer review in the context of general insurance actuarial work involves an examination and assessment of the methods, assumptions, calculations, and documentation used by an actuary or a team of actuaries to ensure the appropriateness, accuracy, and compliance with professional standards. The purpose of a peer review is to enhance the quality of actuarial work and provide assurance to stakeholders, regulators, and the actuarial profession itself.